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Adaptive Orientation Through Vision and Screw Integration

Beverage Handling Solution


Case Study: Morrison Vision Equipped Timing Screw Orientation System


CONTAINER: One Gallon Tea Jugs

Customer Container Handling Challenge: Orientation was needed for the handle of the jug to be positioned properly upon discharge from the timing screw unit. The containers enter in random orientation.

Morrison Solution: Our engineering team designed an orientor that accepts the containers at random orientation, turns them and utilizes a vision system to orient the containers upon discharge to be handle trailing.

As the jugs come into the system, our vision tools use a camera to sense which orientation the handle was in. As the infeed screws space the containers so there is specified pitch acquired between then, the discharge screws flip the container or release the container so the handles are all facing in the same direction.

The screws do the flipping work after the system is communicated to through electrical controls by Morrison.

Construction: Stainless Steel High Washdown