
Variety Pack Sorting and Filling System

Mill Handling Solution


Case Study: Morrison Custom Variety Pack Sorting and Filling Integrated System

INDUSTRY: Grain/Mill/Cereal | OPERATING SPEED: 160 CPM per lane

CONTAINER: Corn Starch Rounds

Customer Container Handling Challenge: The starch was being filled with fillers not built to handle the product, resulting in 40% of rejected containers due improper fills.

Morrison Solution: Morrison worked with a filling company to integrate this system independently of one another. Our engineers designed a cantilever divider that would divide the containers into two lanes for filling. The containers are indexed 4 cycles at a time during the filling process so they can be half filled, indexed again so they can be fully filled. This was implemented to reduce the fill time while also create more accuracy.

They are then metered with proper spacing for accurate measures of weight on the check weigher. After verification of proper weight, the containers are then combined again into one single lane.

Starch is a challenging product to handle due to its chemical make up, resulting in any electrical charge being volatile. Morrison’s electrical engineers built a safer control system that would allow this product to be handled safely and keep operators safe as well by maintaining a blast radius of 10 feet.

A reject system is placed after the combining, rejecting the specific container that was not noted as the proper weight.

Note: In this video, caps are on the containers. During testing, caps were off the containers so we could maintain accurate mock environments they would normally run in.

Construction: Black Anodized Aluminum

System Photos